From the initial selection weekend through the training camps, fundraising efforts and the trip itself I hope to regularly report on progress along the way.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Japan is officially amazing!

6 months ago I arrived back in the UK after an amazing trip to Japan with Scouting! I have to say it was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. I met so many new people from across the world, many of whom I am still in contact with today. The activities we took part in helped us gain a new perspective on Japan and how we could help change the world, making it a better place and to aim to keep peace after we saw first handedly the effects of the bomb in Hiroshima.

 For home hospitality I stayed with the Hirano Family. They took Kirstie and I to a small town festival and showed us their town Hakusan and the neighbouring seaside town Kanazawa. 

This was a game stall at the festival.

  Decorating chopsticks with gold leaf

We dressed in traditional kimonos

After our short time with the family we departed and met up with the rest of our unit for the actual Jamboree! We were actually the last UK unit to arrive at the Jamboree! 

 Queuing to get in the arena for the Opening Ceremony!
Lucy, Melissa and I at the Italian tent!
 Swimming in the sea as part of the water module
 The arena packed with 40,000 Scouts
My unit at the Hiroshima Memorial
This photo was from a video of the culture ceremony, my Welsh friend sent to me!
After the Jamboree we took the bullet train to Tokyo and spent the remainder of our time exploring the diverse city. 
Gemma, Lucy, Analise, Selina and I on the train!
Meal in the hotel after a long journey!
The last night trip to Shibuya Crossing (video below!)

Sat outside the Skytree Tower!

During my time in Japan I realized just how much Scouting had changed my life. It has made me a more confident and caring person, and inspired me to try my best at everything I do. Not only have I brought back amazing memories and photos, but new experiences and stories to tell about last summer and how Scouting is such an amazing Youth Organisation!