From the initial selection weekend through the training camps, fundraising efforts and the trip itself I hope to regularly report on progress along the way.

Monday 20 January 2014

Brainstorming ideas for fundraising

One important element in the time before the trip is to get us to value the experience by helping to fund raise most of the costs ourselves, the target is the £2770 charge for each of us to raise.

Ever since I got my letter I have been wondering about what my main fundraising idea will be. A great idea that my dad came up with was a bake sale at the local rugby club. Every Sunday the boys train and most weekends there is a match. Also a few times a year huge gymnastics competitions are held in the indoor hall. Hopefully I will receive permission to hold a bake sale here on a weekend when there is a few matches plus a gymnastics competition.
On Friday I am going to meet the rest of my unit and everyone who's going in our first camp. I am very excited to see Melissa and everyone I met last time 

Receiving the news

I know it seems an age since I wrote about the selection camp but it took so long to just sink in I just didn't do any updates! I will now start to blog thick and fast.

The Friday following the selection camp, I came in from school to find a letter on the doorstep addressed to me. I studied the outside closely before turning it over and slowly breaking away the seal. I pulled out the paper enclosed. Quickly reading through the first page, I found the words I had been waiting for: "Congratulations, you have been selected to go to Japan!"
I read that over three times and it still hadn't sunk in. The rest of the night I was sat thinking and wondering how I had been chosen and whether I was dreaming or not. It sank in the next day when I started squealing and jumping repeatedly in a circle. 
The countdown had started!